Reach Out has become more than just volunteering for me. It’s made me part of our amazing community.
I’d had previous experience of doing street feeding and I always felt like what we were doing wasn’t enough. I got in touch with Steph and started to understand how important it is to provide wrap-around support and work to get rough sleepers indoors and engaging with the relevant services.
So I signed up to volunteer and now I spend as much of my free time as possible helping with ROC.
I don’t just work in the shop: I do admin, donation drops and I speak at events, letting people know what help is available.
That’s the good thing with volunteering: you can use things you’re good at for good use. We are able to support those in need in so many different ways and not everyone is aware of that. It’s good to get out and talk to people so they can support us by donating not only items but also their time.
Since gaining my experience with ROC, I’ve been able to switch careers and I am now a support worker at a homeless accommodation . Helping those in need is definitely my passion.
My dream is to one day help expand ROC into larger premises so that we can offer even more services.
Emma x