Our shop – at 488 Wilbraham Road in Chorlton – is a hive of  activity.

At the front you’ll find our bargain-filled charity shop, where we sell good-quality donations of all sorts – clothing, household goods, games, books, toys, DVDs – anything that someone else would like to buy. Every penny we take is used to support the charity and its work. 

Meanwhile, at the back of the shop, we’re just as busy. On any given day we’ll be:

  • Sorting donations: some we’ll sell some in our shop, but others will be sold on eBay, where we can get higher prices for better quality items. Many donations we receive are given directly to people in need.  Find out more about direct donations
  • Making up food parcels: we run a food bank, which gives non-perishable food, toiletries and other items to individuals and families referred to us by other organisations. Print or save our handy shopping list.
  • Responding to client needs: if someone is in need, we’ll give food, a hot drink or warm dry, clothing.  We also make appointments, help sort out personal admin (such as registering with a doctor), give advice, make referrals to other agencies, help with benefits or housing applications, or cover travel costs.  If someone doesn’t read or write, we’ll read paperwork for them or help with forms; if someone doesn’t have access to a computer (and who on the street does??), they can use ours – on their own, or we’ll work together. Did you know that if you need to apply for the basic benefits, like Universal Credit, you can only do it online? 
  • Planning: we’re always hatching a cunning plan, whether forging a new strategic partnership, an idea for a fundraiser, some much-needed PR, a local campaign or simply what we’re going to do next. The size of our task is so enormous, there’s always something being done to take things to the next level. 
  • Listening: life can be lonely if you find yourself on the fringes of society. Sometimes people only want your time – a smile, a chat a bit of companionship. We have those things in our shop – and they’re free. 

So now you’ve read the book, here’s the film, made by Adam Cox. In it, we explain what we do and why we do it.