We wanted to give Chorlton a bit of a spruce-up!
My name is Alison (Ally to my friends) I started as Project Manager with ROC, a month ago. What a month it has been! I thought I would write this to introduce myself to you and also give you a little insight into how my first month has been. I have been in the homeless sector for 10 years, working on various projects with a number of organisations (as both volunteer and staff member) including the winter night shelters, a community food […]
On Saturday 4th July I visited an unassuming church in the middle of a housing estate. This is the epicentre for providing meals to the hotels that house the homeless during this pandemic. It is a well-organised operation, where everybody has their own job to do. The work is carried out by staff from Reach Out to the Community and the Church of the Apostles, with around 18 volunteers, including professional chefs that have been furloughed from their day jobs. All the […]
Emma Garside shares her experience of volunteering to help homeless people – including working in our shop! It’s been a year since I joined the homeless volunteering groups in Manchester and what an eye opener it has been! I went into it quite naively and uneducated that “surely because there were so many people on the streets nothing must be being done.” I can’t begin to tell you how wrong I was. In the past 12 months I’ve moved from walking […]